Once the data collection sheets of an area have been filled, you can ask the SIAPJove to visualize the results in a summary and global way throughout the field.
When simplifying and visualizing the results, it is necessary to take into account that there are quantitative indicators and qualitative indicators, which evaluate different aspects and, above all, use different parameters and scales:
- For the visualization of the quantitative indicators, a synthesis table is created that allows to visualize together the results obtained from these indicators in each field of evaluation.
- Regarding the qualitative indicators, the visualization is realized through a radial graph that allows to easily grasp the strengths and weaknesses of each area evaluated.
The systematic application of the SIAPJove can accumulate results and visualize the tendency of the same municipality over time and, at the same time, have data from other municipalities with more or less comparable situations.
Each of the twelve evaluation areas presents, following the corresponding indicators, a table summarizing the results. The aim of this section is to provide a summarized reading of the results obtained and draw useful conclusions for the projection of future actions. This is not a closed, finished proposal, rather a guideline that may aid in finding elements for the analysis of the obtained results and strategies for the implementation of conclusions. For this reason, the summary is structured in three sections:
- Points to consider: A number of questions are asked in order to facilitate orientation or reflection that may help when listing the obtained results and drawing conclusions.
- Strengths and challenges: This is a list of the main strengths discovered in the evaluation of each area and a way in which to establish the most important challenges to face in order to improve future results.
- We prioritize: This final section serves to prioritize the list of challenges faced in order of priority or importance. This has to be decided by the evaluators.
As can be seen, the final aim is none other than to extract proposals based on the evaluation made that may help us improve the youth policies carried out in each municipality.